For apple instal MediaHuman YouTube Downloader
For apple instal MediaHuman YouTube Downloader

DaVinci Resolve is a professional video editing software which includes tools for editing, visual effects, motion graphics, color correction and audio post-production. The non-studio version is free to use (but not free open source software) on Linux, Windows and Mac. Starting with DaVinci Resolve 15, this cross-platform professional video editor supports native audio support on Linux. Update: The script to create a DEB package to easily install DaVinci Resolve in Ubuntu, Linux Mint, elementary OS, Pop!_OS, Debian, and so on, was updated to support the latest DaVinci Resolve 17. This article was initially about DaVinci Resolve 15/15.*. After some changes, the script should work with any DaVinci Resolve or DaVinci Resolve Studio version from 15 onwards (so including the latest 17.4). On Linux, DaVinci Resolve officially supports CentOS only, and requires some tweaks to get it to work on other Linux distributions. Some guides out there mention using some quite ugly hacks to get the application to work on Ubuntu / Debian / Linux Mint / Pop!_OS, which modify system libraries.

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Furthermore, even on CentOS, the application can't be properly removed.

For apple instal MediaHuman YouTube Downloader